Statement from Fix Financial Aid Coalition on 2022-2023 State Budget agreement
June 27, 2022
The Fix Financial Aid Coalition’s Statement on the 2022-23 State Budget agreement
Following the announcement of the agreement on the 2022-23 California State Budget, the Fix Financial Aid Coalition issued the below statement on the Cal Grant Equity Framework:
“The Fix Financial Aid Coalition commends Governor Newsom and legislative leaders for finalizing a state budget that includes the right first step to transform our state’s Cal Grant financial aid system. As a result of years of leadership and dedication by students, business leaders, equity groups, and other advocates, the inclusion of the Cal Grant Equity Framework in the final budget represents a victory for those who would otherwise be unable to afford a higher education in California while also helping Governor Newsom and our colleges and universities achieve their new goals around college enrollment, completion and reducing chronic achievement gaps. While we celebrate this win for access, inclusion, and equity at California colleges and universities, we remain focused on the work left to do: ensuring funds are committed to enacting the reforms fully. We look forward to working with the Administration and Legislature to ensure the funds are appropriated to enact these significant reforms.”
The Fix Financial Aid Coalition (FFA) advocates for a comprehensive financial aid system that reflects today’s true cost of college. The FFA Coalition began with the three student associations: the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC), the University of California Student Association (UCSA), and the Cal-State Student Association (CSSA) and has grown to over 35 organizations to make financial aid equity a reality for all.