The Cal State Student Association (CSSA) as a student-led organization strives to improve the lives of California State University (CSU) students by advocating for student needs and engaging students in systemwide, state, and federal higher education policymaking.

The California State Student Association, also known as the Cal State Student Association, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit student organization founded by California State University (CSU) student body presidents in 1959. CSSA is led by, funded by, and represents the over 482,000 students of the CSU.

Recognized by the California State University (CSU) Trustees and the California legislature as the official voice of CSU students, CSSA has long advocated for access to an affordable and high-quality CSU education. It is by CSSA’s work that student voices are included when it comes to decisions made by the CSU Chancellor, CSU Trustees, and the state legislature. CSSA works to ensure that the students are at the forefront of higher education policy in California.
The Cal State Student Organization (CSSA) is a student-led organization featuring five executive officers, three special officers, 7 committees, and a board of directors. The board includes one representative from the student government of each of the 23 CSU campuses, collectively known as Associated Students, Inc. (ASI). Representation on the committees and the board of directors is determined throught the democratic processes carried out by the ASI on each campus.
CSSA employs eight full-time professional staff members who support and advise student leadership and manage the daily operations of the organization. The CSSA staff are distributed between two locations: the headquarters in Long Beach, CA and the Office of Governmental Relations in Sacramento, CA. They are contracted through the Office of the Chancellor and adhere to the employment policies of the CSU system.
Each May the board of directors elects the five executive officers of the organization; President, Chair, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, and Vice President of Systemwide Affairs. CSSA Executive Officers serve one-year terms from June 1st to May 31st.