The Cal State Student Association (CSSA) monitors and advocates systemwide policy on behalf of CSU students. The organization’s university affairs committee reviews, researches and makes recommendations to the CSSA Board of Directors on all university-related items originating from the CSU Board of Trustees, the CSU Office of the Chancellor or the campus presidents.

The 25-member Board of Trustees adopts regulations and policies governing the entire CSU system. Board committees have authority over educational policy, finance, campus planning, and facilities, among other areas. CSSA monitors the actions of the board and advocates for all CSU students at each meeting and throughout the year at the CSU Office of the Chancellor.

Each academic year the Cal State Student Association (CSSA) is responsible for appointing California State University (CSU) students to serve as the student representative on systemwide committees. Systemwide committees have been developed to provide resources, best practices, and policies, addressing issues that impact the 23 CSU campuses.